Account Page

This page allows you to manage your personal information and account settings.

If you signed up with email/password, you have to verify your email to be able to use the app. Click verify email button and then check your email. Note that email is sometimes placed in junk or spam mail folder, so check there first if you cannot find it. If you used Google or Apple authentication, this is automatically done for you, so you don't have to worry about this.

If you are a shop owner or operator, select the checkbox provided. This will activate additional features tailored for shop owners/operators. If you just want to use your rewards card, this will just make UI more cluttered, so best not to check it.

If you want to delete your account, you can do so by clicking the "Delete Account" button and following the instructions. Remember, deleting your account will remove all your data, including reward cards and other content.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact support by email.