Shop Request Queue

This page is where a shop owner or an operator can manage requests made by customers.

The page will display cards that customer requested stamps or the reward for

Click the card that you want to process to complete the processing.

Granting Stamps

When making a qualifying purchase, customer will request a stamp. After verifying the purchase, grant a stamp or multiple stamps if multiple purchases were made and click "Grant" button

If customer has not made a qualifying purchase, use "Reject" button to decline the request. make sure that the cutomer understnad why you are declining their request.

If customer has reached a number of stamps that make them eligible for a reward, the app will ask you if you want to redeeem the reward now. If the customer wants to receive the reward, click "yes" and provide the reward to your customer.

Granting Rewards

In addition to stamps, customers can also request rewards (when eligible, i.e. the required number of purchase was made). If a customer requested a reward, provide it to the customer and

If customer has requeste a reward, "Grant Reward" button will appear when you click on the card. Provide the reward to the customer and click "Grant reward" button. This will mark the card as redeemed and no further request will be possible.

Requesting on behalf of the customer

If the customer is unable to make a request (e.g. no data), you can do it on their behalf. Click the plus (+) button in the bottom right corner and follow the process on the next page to make a request on behalf of the customer.