My Wallet
This page is where you manage your Rewards Cards!
Click on the floating action button in the bottom right corner to pick a new card from the shop. Shop will provide you with a unique code (typically 4 or 5 characters). After entrting the shop code, you will see what cards are availble from the shop. Select the one you want and you are in!
Requesting Stamps
To request a stamp from a shop, simply tap on the card and request a stamp from the shop. Your request will appear in the shop's queue. As soon as you are granted a stamp it will be visible on your card. If you are making multiple purchases you may receive multiple stamps.
Requesting Rewards
To request a reward use the same process as when requesting staps. Simply tap on the card and request rewards. Your request will appear in the shop's queue and once you receive a reward, the card will be marked as "Redeemed".
Deleting Cards
After a card is redeemed, you can delete it. You can actuially delete a card any time, even if it has not been redeemed, but typically you only want to delete cards after they were redeedemed or have expired.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact support by email.